It might seem a bit absurd but the world we are currently living in is making me physically ill. I’ve tried a variety of things to make myself feel better or figure out what is the physical cause. But there is none. So it seems to be psychosomatic, and it’s making me miserable.
The current state of our country is giving me indigestion. I’ve been battling nausea and diarrhea on and off since early November. What could’ve happened back then that would make me sick to my stomach and below? Yup, the country went the other way, and all that has happened after that time frustrates me so much that it’s affecting my body’s health.
I like to think of myself as being open-minded and compassionate. Even if I disagree with someone, I don’t presume I am right and they are wrong; we just think differently. But the actions that have been coming out of Washington lately are not just different from the beliefs I hold; they’re blatantly mean and clearly pushing a specific agenda. Sadly, that agenda is not about supporting American ideals or the Constitution. I don’t have the words to truly explain how I feel…and because of that, it’s eating me up inside – literally. How do you put a nominee up for Secretary of Education who never worked in education, who doesn’t know basic education laws? How does that nominee continue to move forward towards being given the position when teachers are VERY outspoken about her lack of qualifications? Newsflash: teachers work in the field and are VERY knowledgeable about what would benefit students. Respect the opinions of the professionals knee-deep in the trenches every day; we kind of know what we’re talking about. It’s that lack of respect for the opinions of teachers that is driving me towards the exit. This matter is one of the most disheartening for me lately. I wish all the Republicans voting her along could explain their thinking, explain how her background and what she’s said (not how much money she paid them) will make her the most successful person in that role. Personally, I feel like ANY teacher would be better qualified. I have more knowledge, experience, and qualifications than that woman. Unfortunately, someone like me would never be considered for the Secretary position: my family doesn’t have billions of dollars so I can’t do anything for the Senators.
Along with the regular stresses that come along with teaching, I can’t escape all the questionable politics, the lies they keep spouting, the selfish acts, the protests, the misguided focus of the Administration, the self-centeredness of that man… It’s all over the news, my Facebook feed, the teachers’ lounge, my go-tos for comedic relief (Jimmy Fallon & The Tonight Show). It’s no wonder that I’ve been getting sick so much. I’m not sure my stomach is going to get through the next four years without developing a massive ulcer…