Breakfast was easy today. I enjoy eating eggs for breakfast when I have time to cook in the morning; since most mornings I won’t be able to, meal prep will be key for a breakfast that will keep me not feeling hungry until lunch. Today’s breakfast was eggs with spinach and Whole30-compliant chicken sausage – tasty!
After a morning walk and meal one, I spent some time out on the back porch with my Kindle and It Starts With Food. Our north-facing porch is usually so cold but it was an unusually warm morning today, perfect for outdoor reading. Since my focus this month is to improve my health overall, I’m adding on a few components along with eating Whole 30; spending time each day outside is also part of the 30-day challenge.
Also, I’ve added to my 30 days abstaining from Facebook and playing Candy Crush. Facebook isn’t a huge time-waster for me; I do check it a few times a day but not for long periods of time. My reasons for staying away are more about what my Facebook feed has become: some posts from friends about their kids and lots of posts about our current political climate. The reminders of not having children and how our country is currently a scary, disappointing mess weigh on me mentally. Gotta take care of the mental health along with the physical so that’s why I thought it best I take a little break from it all. As for Candy Crush, that is a time waster of mine – not a terrible one but I figured I could find other ways of occupying myself during these 30 days that would be better than sitting around staring at a tiny screen. Perhaps more time in nature… While the food part hasn’t proven too difficult on this first day, there were several moments where I was tempted to revert to these two habits, mostly in moments of boredom.
As a possible treatment for my nausea, I started a new anxiety medication a couple weeks ago. I upped the dosage today. It’s possible that the medication could make me not feel well initially so it’s hard to know if the symptoms I experience in the next few days will truly be from the Whole 30 foods or side effects from the medication. I’m hoping both will be mild, otherwise I’m being particularly cruel to myself…and on my spring break week at that!
The only symptom I had today was fatigue. Again, not sure if it was from the food or the medication or just a lazy Saturday where too much reading brought on heavy eyelids. I did nap on the couch for about an hour, from 4p to 5p.
The BBE had breakfast with me and said he’d eat the Whole 30 foods along with me while we were at home together. But once he heard about what all the restrictions were, he backed out. So it seems that I’ll be going through this alone, which I think will be okay. BBE was supportive in that he cooked up steaks and asparagus for our supper. I wish he’d do the whole thing with me, as the potential health improvements would be wonderful for both of us. But to each his own… I know this is what I need right now – maybe my results will motivate him down the road.
Meal 1: Eggs with spinach and chicken sausage
Meal 2: Baked salmon with garlic, sweet potato with cinnamon
Snack: Berries with shredded coconut
Meal 3: Grilled steak and asparagus, strawberries with almond butter